Beth first found yoga 12 years ago while living in western New York state. Immediately she realized what she had found was a practice for the deep layers of body, mind, and spirit. Much to her surprise was the discovery that the language of yoga was the same as the language of art and of poetry, of the natural world and of dreams, of symbol and of myth, and this led her in search of a place that knew how to speak it when she and her family moved back to Massachusetts in 2010. Finding Central Mass Yoga to continue her practice developed into pursuing teaching herself. Beth has benefited from teachers trained in the Iyengar method of yoga, as a student in various levels of Vinyasa, Hatha, and Yin classes. Her recently completed 500-hour training at Kripalu provided ample classroom exposure to brilliant professionals in both the science and the philosophy of yoga, enhancing her years of personal experience. Beth is an avid gardener taking conservation seriously, eagerly introducing native species into her yard. For Beth, her gardening experience working with garden critters, weeds and pruning, growth and decay, is an extension of what she learns on the mat, and both studies are a rich and a continual work in progress. Beth completed 2 years of Shamanic study at the HeartWind Center and sees people as spiritual beings on a very human journey. Beth brings intuition, insight and a desire to heal to the stories she teaches in her class.