Virtual Online Yoga Classes

Virtual Yoga Classes are run through

the Zoom platform. 

The Basics




*  All live classes are recorded. Once the recording from the live class has been processed by Zoom, we will send out the recording link in a separate email that same day.  In essence you receive 2 classes for the price of one. The recording will be available for 48+ hours! Please Note: The recording link is not the same as the live link.


  • Preregistration is required for ALL VIRTUAL LIVE AND RECORDED YOGA CLASSES.



  • Students must opt in for the subscriptions in order to receive the class link.

*Students can sign into ZOOM and enter the “waiting room”.   The teacher (host) will  let you into class and greet you a little bit before the start time of the class and we will begin class promptly at the scheduled time.








  • Register for classes by using your Central Mass Yoga PUNCHPASS account. PURCHASE your passes and then go to the schedule and Click on the class you would like to take.  Next, click on “Reserve My Spot In Class!” You will receive the Zoom link in your confirmation email.  




  • If you don’t have an account – Click on the class you would like to take. Next, click on “Reserve My Spot In Class!”   It will then walk you through creating an account.




  • Note: Even if you have been a client with us for years, you will need to create a new account with Central Mass Yoga/ PunchPass.  



Pricing Options for Virtual Classes 


Pricing Option

$15.00 – Drop In Rate

$150.00-10 Classes

$85.00-one hour private instruction 


How Do I Get the Virtual Class?

  • +Register for class using the “class schedule” or “purchase a pass” links across our website.


  • You’ll receive an automatic emails from us after you sign up. One will be a receipt of sale. The other will be a registration confirmation.


  • The registration confirmation email will contain a ZOOM link to the class.


  • Before the scheduled class time, click on the ZOOM link in the registration email.


  • You will be put into a virtual “waiting room” automatically to wait for the teacher.


  • When the teacher arrives they will “let you into the class.”


  • You will not see the teacher until they let you into the class.


  • The class will then start at the scheduled time.


  • Live classes are all recorded and the link is sent that afternoon no later than 5pm and good for 48+ hours.  

Frequently Asked Questions

  • All Live VIRTUAL  classes offer an option to have your audio and video active for a portion of the class.  If you would like your video off, use the controls at the bottom of your screen to turn it off. You are also welcome to have your microphone off or on. When the teacher begins to teach, they will mute the students so the screen doesn’t jump around and you can always see the teacher.


  • All VIRTUAL recorded and live classes are available for 48 hours for your viewing convenience.


  • The recording link will be sent separately after the close of the class and that afternoon.