Yoga Warriors classes are gentle, beginner yoga classes using the evidence based. Yoga Warriors International™ method. They are designed to introduce the basics of yoga and include positive affirmations, yoga postures, breathing, and relaxation techniques. The classes emphasize emotional wellness and focus on a relaxed pace in a safe and nurturing environment. Yoga Warriors is a simple, effective technique that delivers inner peace, vibrant health and relaxation. YWI classes are beneficial for those in high stress environments, Active Duty Military and Veterans. People with Post traumatic Stress are welcome.
YOGA WARRIORS INTERNATIONAL™ classes were designed in 2005 for Active Duty Military and Veterans and are currently being taught throughout the United States and Canada, as well as overseas to deployed military. Since then, the program has also been used very effectively with First Responders, Bereavement Support Groups, in Drug and Alcohol Treatment facilities and with others who feel the effects of high stress in their lives. YOGA WARRIORS INTERNATIONAL™ conducted a study in 2009 with U.S. military personnel stationed in Kirkuk, Iraq with very positive results, helping to improve the quality of life for those who participated. The study is called “The Effect of Sensory Enhanced Hatha Yoga on Symptoms of Combat Stress in Deployed Military Personnel”. It was published in January 2012 in The American Journal of Occupational Therapy. The entire study can be found at: http://ajot.aotapress.net/content/66/1/59.full
Benefits of a Yoga Warriors Practice:
• Develop a flexible mind set, one that can rise to meet day-to-day challenges and quickly return to a calm, relaxed state.
• Manage emotions in day-to-day life using positive stress management techniques.
• Become more present in the moment by drawing awareness to the breath and bodily sensation.
• Improve energy level to support meeting one’s daily needs and goals.
• Improve self-acceptance and self-esteem by using affirmations to reduce and reverse negative thinking patterns
For more information:
www.YogaWarriors.com ~ info@YogaWarriors.com